Monday, January 31, 2011

Author Dr. Michael Eric Dyson pays tribute to Dr. King on his visit to Valencia

VALENCIA EAST -- Renowned author Dr. Michael Eric Dyson visited Valencia Community College last week to speak to students about Martin Luther King Jr. and racial equality in America.

During his impactful and inspiring hour-long speech, Dyson primarily paid tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. “He wasn’t a formal politician…,” said Dyson, “and yet he was able to exert such profound influence over American events and the central issue of American life, which is race.”

Race is a topic that Dyson feels strongly about. Aside from doing research, he is a man who speaks from experiencing the struggles of American life as a young, black boy. He tells of the times when there were water fountains labeled "colored" and when blacks were looked negatively upon. “When they weren’t treating black folk right, they weren’t treating Americans right,” said Dyson of the treatment of blacks during the civil rights movement. Dyson talked about the “dehumanization” of colored citizens and compared that to how animals were treated. “If they treated animals the way that they treated us then I wonder how they treated their own pets.”

Dyson also strongly addressed some obvious misconceptions people have of racial equality in today’s society. When speaking of successful public figures, such as Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey, Dyson made it clear that the success of few folks doesn’t save all folks. “One black man who’s done extremely well cannot offset or balance out the extraordinary difficulties that other people of color endure.” Dyson points out that the public cannot assume or conclude that a certain group of people is “doing well” just because one person of that group has done well. “While there’s been enormous progress, the struggle for equality remains,” he said.

“He’s controversial which makes him even better because he says the truth” said SGA’s Jayce Victor of Dyson’s unique approach. “He was phenomenal; he was able to keep you on your seats… you didn’t want to get up for water or a bathroom break. If we continue to have people like Dr. Dyson speak out for the truth, we’ll be able to change the world.” Victor was left hopeful for change after the presentation.

The event, attracting over 150 people, was primarily organized by Dyson’s long-time friend, Gerald Jones. Dyson met Jones during a 1998 UCF Diversity week presentation . “It was an ‘ah-ha’ moment for me,” said Jones about their first meeting. “Ever since, I’ve been a huge fan.”

Dyson’s “controversial”, yet mesmerizing ways of speech grasp the attention and get through to younger audiences. “Dr. Dyson understands the student. He relates to the student. He understands the culture of the 21st century student that we have on the college campus today,” said Jones.

The reason why Jones wanted to bring Dyson to Valencia…? “I wanted to create the same experience that was created for me as a student at UCF back in 1998. I wanted to give Valencia students the same opportunity, and I believe I did. The students connected with him and he has the gift of doing that.”

Dyson hosted a book sale and signing after the event.

A sociology professor at Georgetown University and author of 17 published books, Dyson is also the host of The Michael Eric Dyson Show where he discusses current events and topics such as race, sexual orientation, immigration and hip-hop culture. “It’s interesting and it’s fun,” says Dyson. He has interviewed many celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z and Lupe Fiasco.

Click to View Article: Valencia Voice - Vol. 11 Iss. 3

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